Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Few Reasons I Love Her

1. She sleeps in the swing.
2. She takes a pacifier faithfully...and quietly.
3. She rides in the car without issue so far.
4. She stays in her carseat and rides in the basket at stores...and falls asleep!
5. She wears large bows on her head just for her mama.
6. She has the cutest hands and feet.
7. She sleeps a 6 hour stretch every night, sometimes up to 8 hours!
8. She's a cuddle bug.
9. She's in a "I really love only my mama" state.
10. She nurses for only 10 minutes...and she's done!
11. She sleeps in worship service.
12. She rides in her stroller peacefully.
13. She smiles with her entire face. So, so, so precious!
14. She likes to be worn in the Moby wrap.
15. She makes old ladies smile. :)


1 comment:

Ben and Audrey said...

aren't little girls SO fun?! i never knew how much i could love being a girl mommy. but this past year with Jovie has been an absolute blast!!! Jovie is also in a "i only want mommy all the time" phase. its exhausting, but i love it!!!

so glad Hannah is such a sweet girl! playdate?!

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