Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hannah at 3 Months

My baby,

It was just days ago that I realized you would be 3 months old today, and it hit me like a ton of  bricks. It just symbolizes to me how you are moving out of the newborn stage. Sad smile You’ve been SO wonderful these last few months, and I’ve truly enjoyed every minute of our time together.


I just want to freeze time for a while and linger in this stage.


You’re enjoying a little more independent play which makes it easier on me, and Drew loves to sit by you (and kiss you, drool on you, hunker over you, etc) while you play. You can even grab some of your toys on your toymat now!


You always enjoy your bath and even kick your little legs at times. (Typing that out just reminds me how much calmer you are than Drew was at this age—ha!)


To sum it up, you are: sweet, cuddly, happy, and EASY! When your nap time rolls around, I simply put you in your swing, give you your passy, and walk out the door. And when you wake up 45 minutes later, you’re happy as a lark! You follow an eat, play, sleep schedule normally; it looks something like this:

8:30—Wake up and nurse

9:15-Naptime in your swing

10:00-Playtime or bathtime



11:00-Naptime again

And repeat, repeat, repeat until  it gets dark out. You’re ready to wind down around 7:30 or 8:00 which works pretty well right now. I end up holding and cuddling you at night while Daddy and I watch TV and eat sweets. Winking smile 


You’re the BEST nurser. You take 10 minutes to eat on a long session, but sometimes you’re as fast as 5 minutes. You normally eat every 2-3 hours, but sometimes you’ll go for 4 hours without complaining! I usually feed you when we get in the bed around 12 in hopes that you’ll sleep a long time without waking me. Winking smile You normally wake to eat again around 5:30-6:30 and go right back to sleep for 2 more hours. I’m great with that! We’ll move you to your bed soon, but I honestly enjoy cuddling with you at night. I’ll enjoy the better quality of sleep when you move out, but I’ll miss our sweet cuddle times.


Little girl, you are one of the happiest babies I know! You constantly smile in the day and frequently coo at your toys. If a relative comes over to hold you, you just talk, talk, talk to them. They love it! You already have so many of them wrapped around your sweet little fingers!


Your girlish qualities are already showing. When you’re cranky in the floor and Drew’s foot barely bumps you, you cry so hard like your feelings are just crushed. Drama, much? Winking smile Oh, and have I mentioned how much fun you are to dress?! Oh my, little girls are FUN! Your head full of hair always gains compliments, especially when it’s sticking straight up.100_7843100_7854100_7859100_7865100_7869100_7879100_7808100_7812100_7814100_7815

A month from now we’ll be getting ready to spoon feed oatmeal and rice cereal. Seriously?! I’m not ready!!!


We love you so much, little girl! You hold one side of my heart in your sweet little hands!



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